Crossbars Indoor Soccer

Where average fades and dominators emerge!

4v4 indoor soccer leagues are full of fast-paced action, camaraderie with teammates, and the thrill of scoring goals are unbeatable.

Y8 - Y9

  • New Season Starting: Nov 15th
  • Friday Night Games
  • 6pm or later game times

Y10 - Y11

  • New Season Starting: Nov 16th
  • Saturday Night Games
  • 6pm or later game times

Y12 - Y15

  • New Season Starting: Nov 17th
  • Sunday Night Games
  • 6pm or later game times

Adult / 18-30 (coed/Competitive)

  • New Season Starting: TBD
  • Monday or Wednesday Night Games
  • 8:30pm or 9:30pm game times

Adult / 30+ (Coed/Recreational)

  • New Season Starting: TBD
  • Monday or Wednesday Night Games
  • 8:30pm or 9:30pm game times


  • All leagues are co-ed (Girls are not required to be on a team)
  • House teams created are the first 6 players on the "free agent" list (male or female)
  • 4v4 - 3 field players and a goalie
  • Schedule is set once the season starts
  • Two 20 minute halves
  • All games are with a Futsal ball
  • Sub on the fly
  • If you are subbing in for a player YOU must get their attention and THEY must be in motion off the field before YOU enter the playing field. We will not allow more than 4 players per team on the field at one time.
  • Goalie may leave the box but not use their hands unless in the box
  • Goalie can NOT throw the ball past midfield in the air, but can kick it past in the air
  • No one can go into the goalie box
  • A defender may not stick his or her leg in the box to block a pass or shot
  • No sliding anytime or wall checking
  • Poking the ball on the ground is considered a slide tackle... No kicking at the ball while on the ground
  • Ball must stay below the 4 ft wall
  • All restarts are from the dots at midfield
  • PK's are breakaways from midfield with everyone chasing them
  • When receiving a blue card you will sit out until a goal is scored or 2 minutes is up...whichever comes first
  • Kickoffs must be played back...No direct kicks
  • After the ball hits the net the opposing team can not shoot the ball they must make a pass before shooting
  • If players are fighting for the ball in a corner there will be a 5 sec count. If no possession before end of count the ball is reset.
  • During a 5 point lead...
  • Once the decision is made to either pull the goalie or add another player you may not change it until it returns to normal play
  • When the goalie is pulled you are allowed to move into the box to pass the ball
  • When the goalie is pulled you may not stand inside the box and block shots
  • When the goalie is pulled you may run across the box to save a shot but must be moving as you save the shot
*Need at least 4 Teams Per Division