4v4 indoor soccer leagues are full of fast-paced action, camaraderie with teammates, and the thrill of scoring goals are unbeatable.
Y8 - Y9
New Season Starting: Nov 15th
Friday Night Games
6pm or later game times
Y10 - Y11
New Season Starting: Nov 16th
Saturday Night Games
6pm or later game times
Y12 - Y15
New Season Starting: Nov 17th
Sunday Night Games
6pm or later game times
Adult / 18-30 (coed/Competitive)
New Season Starting: TBD
Monday or Wednesday Night Games
8:30pm or 9:30pm game times
Adult / 30+ (Coed/Recreational)
New Season Starting: TBD
Monday or Wednesday Night Games
8:30pm or 9:30pm game times
All leagues are co-ed (Girls are not required to be on a team)
House teams created are the first 6 players on the "free agent" list (male or female)
4v4 - 3 field players and a goalie
Schedule is set once the season starts
Two 20 minute halves
All games are with a Futsal ball
Sub on the fly
If you are subbing in for a player YOU must get their attention and THEY must be in motion off the field before YOU enter the playing field. We will not allow more than 4 players per team on the field at one time.
Goalie may leave the box but not use their hands unless in the box
Goalie can NOT throw the ball past midfield in the air, but can kick it past in the air
No one can play the ball in the goalie box
A defender may not stick his or her leg in the box to block a pass or shot
No sliding anytime or wall checking
Poking the ball on the ground is considered a slide tackle... No kicking at the ball while on the ground
Ball must stay below the 4 ft wall
All restarts are from the dots at midfield
PK's are breakaways from midfield with everyone chasing them
When receiving a blue card you will sit out until a goal is scored or 2 minutes is up...whichever comes first
Kickoffs must be played back...No direct kicks
After the ball hits the net the opposing team can not shoot the ball they must make a pass before shooting
If players are fighting for the ball in a corner there will be a 5 sec count. If no possession before end of count the ball is reset.
During a 5 point lead...
Once the decision is made to either pull the goalie or add another player you may not change it until it returns to normal play (with in 3 points)
If the decision is made to pull your goalie, you (defending team) are allowed to move into the box to defend